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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Not all domestic violence is physical. It also includes: Emotional and psychological abuse, Financial and Economic Abuse, Coercive and Controlling behaviours, Sexual Coercion, Verbal Abuse, Stalking and Harrassment, Legal Abuse and none of this leaves any bruises or...

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What is financial PTSD?

What is financial PTSD?

Financial PTSD is related to worries over a lack of money and resources. PTSD is post-traumatic stress disorder, but is it a disorder or is it a natural reaction to a situation that a person experiences? Financial PTSD It is quite common and affects between 20-30% of...

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How I wrote a chapter in a collaborative book.

How I wrote a chapter in a collaborative book.

Back in August 2020 on the very night that the ex abruptly terminated our relationship, I remember saying to him that I was going to write the book. I had no idea at that point how things would unfold. It took me eight months before I could focus on anything, I...

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