Countdown to “Precarious Eviction”
Dear Ex, here is my open letter to you.
I see you are determined to make me homeless and destitute in Spain even when I have forwarded your email address to a prospective buyer, with his offer of €140,000.
Your stunt to issue 7 criminal allegations against me through your “specialist” Barcelona lawyer didn’t work.
Do you think you had the POWER to end this years ago? All you had to do was keep your promise.
Or discuss things like a normal person without threats, intimidation, and causing immense harm and emotional damage.
I know that the lawyers are also at fault.
Honestly, solicitors are no better than scammers who prey on vulnerable people to extract money from them. In these situations, I have heard that even married couples can lose substantial amounts of money due to family lawyers opting for court before ADR and simple negotiations that take up less time and less money.
The free legal defence appointed in the Civil Case for the eviction ignored my evidence. She ignored the fact that I had told her that the statements you gave in the court document were untrue. When I mentioned the abuse, she kept telling me that it was the criminal court. Yet, I discovered “Article 49 Assessment of the lack of objective jurisdiction at the request of a party. The defendant may claim a lack of objective jurisdiction by means of a declination.
Article 49 bis Loss of jurisdiction when acts of violence against women occur
Here is a video I recorded some time ago in which I explain about two women in similar circumstances, only they have different outcomes. I thought I was going to be evicted in September 2022. Then again in March 2024.
Now, the date is December 2024, six days before Christmas.
Open Letter The Final Offer £25,000
I know you had started legal proceedings as you copied this email address into your correspondence with Waypoint on June 18 2021. With another “final offer of £25,000” less than the agreed £40,000 Waypoint negotiated in May when I sacked Andy Statham for his manipulation and lies after I kept my side of the bargain and allowed your MG Sports car to be removed.
In July 2021, I offered you VACANT POSSESSION for an agreed signed settlement of £40,000. Yet even when I begged you to pay the money first, you went ahead with the ridiculous eviction.

As for blaming me for causing you stress that led to your 6 hours of bowel surgery hitting below the belt there.
You failed to mention the copious amount of whisky and cannabis you consumed.
Make Out Of Court Legal Negotiation
Mandatory As The First Option

Apparently, as an English-speaking foreigner in Spain, I am not worthy of fundamental human rights.
Silenced in a Civil Court Verbal Hearing. Article 6 Violation.
The ex turned off the utilities at the property in June 2023 after I replaced 70 metres of mains water pipe. I was able to restore the electricity, but the water has never been restored despite being advised to make a complaint of coercion in June 2023; the Women’s Court in Cartagena heard that case in September 2023, and now, in December 2024, I still have no access to running water for sanitation.
My original ideas from September 2020, which I discussed with the transformational coach that the ex paid for before he became hostile and abusive, were based on a Mindfulness Retreat.
For more information on my business plan, pitch deck, and financial projection, please chat via LinkedIn, X or Facebook.
Every donation makes a difference!
Open Letter Questions
You misrepresented the facts in the Civil court and the Criminal court. Why?
Where did that get you? When are you going to tell the truth? Or must I expose the truth myself?
Why was I living in Las Zinas, Paul? Our Home. How many housewives pay rent?
Why did you start paying £667 into my business account in January 2018 after you caused me emotional and psychological damage with your confession of a “Wednesday Girl” Katrina?
I discovered the truth in 2020 after text messages with Katrina. That relationship started in August 2009 and ended in 2018. Why confess in 2017 after keeping her secret for eight fucking years?
Read my article if you haven’t seen it already. I realise that you have stalked all of my social profiles for years.
When four months turns into four years.
Self Care Collection – Amazon Merch

Narcissist Aware – Amazon Merch

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