Not all domestic violence is physical
It also includes:

Emotional and psychological abuse, Financial and Economic Abuse, Coercive and Controlling behaviours, Sexual Coercion, Verbal Abuse, Stalking and Harrassment, Legal Abuse and none of this leaves any bruises or broken bones.

Three reasons why I self-published my story in May 2022.

1. To raise awareness of hidden emotional and psychological abuse in intimate relationships.

2. Highlighting the gaps in the laws that often fail women. To warn unmarried couples, especially women who become or are financially dependent on their partners.

3. For information and educational purposes signposting to helpful resources.

Readers will discover

2 Resources for keeping a record of bullying & abusive incidents.

Writing as a way to heal – Letters to the ex – Letters to the other women

40 Signs of Emotional Abuse

4 Steps to Release Anger & Resentment

5 Ways to Recover & Heal

Self-Published Author

My first book was published under the pen name Loren Keeling. I changed the names of the various significant people in the story, as well as the names of the solicitors involved. I did this to protect the individuals but allow me to tell the truth about the situation that I experienced.

I also researched the legal implications in Spain and the UK and my findings might shock some people. Women are often failed when they report domestic abuse. Women are failed by police, lawyers, social services, judges and justice systems. It is not just in Europe, this happens in many countries across the world, irrespective of social class or educational attainment.

Gender Violence

The shock of the legal advice I received. I never ever thought that I would be given legal advice to file a Gender Violence complaint against my former partner. I did not want to file a complaint, but in doing so I did not expect that I would be failed by the system that is meant to support women in these situations.

The Idea To Write My Story

When I had the idea to write my story on the night that the ex-partner terminated the relationship none of what unfolded had taken place. I had voiced my idea to him that very night on August 27th 2020.

Not only did he end the relationship in a time of Covid lockdown he offered “financial security” and then pulled the rug from under me within two weeks of leaving me in our Spanish home when I had no income, no job, and I was experiencing grief and emotional trauma.

Own Your Journey, Own Your Story,

Rebuilding my life after emotional and financial devastation. The easiest way, learn more, earn more, do more, and be more. YouTube Channel Podcast Connect On Facebook

It’s not over yet.

“Post Separation Abuse, Betrayal & Abandonment, What Type Of Man?” by Loren Keeling

Find it on Amazon and Digital ebook Stores

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