Getting traffic to your website is great, however, if that traffic doesn’t convert, it’s almost useless. This article will outline 10 proven strategies to increase your conversions or getting your visitors to take action.

1. Include as few fields as possible.

When asking for information from prospects using an email opt-in form, ask for as little information as necessary. I usually keep it down to just two fields, name and email address. Some opt in pages ask for just the email, but then you can’t personalise your follow up messages with their name. Using the prospects first name in the follow up can get you a higher open rate.

2. Add a guarantee.

Include your no-questions-asked refund policy on all purchases. This reduces risk, and increased sales will usually more than make up for any returns. Make sure you have a strong guarantee, not the usual stand 30/ 60 / 90 days fluff that all marketers off on the sales page.  Try this instead,  “If for ANY reason you feel this training wasn’t worth your full time and attention, I insist you shoot me an email to ask for a refund. At ANY time, for ANY reason. There is no time limit on this guarantee.”  Source CrazyEgg.Com

3. Use testimonials.

Testimonials provide social proof and reduce risk for your prospects. Use them on product landing pages as well as on your email opt-in landing page. If you don’t have any clients or customers who have tried your product or service, try doing a pre launch with a small group of fans or followers on your social media. Offer a low cost entry of free trial in return for feedback and testimonies.

4. Pay careful attention to your headline.

The headline is the single most important element on your landing page. Think of at least 10 different possibilities write them out then use them on Social Media posts before choosing the strongest one. You will see which headline got you more post engagement.

5. Use video to humanise your brand.

Including simple videos on your landing pages shows there’s a real person behind your product or service. You can use a short welcome message or a brief overview of WIIFT whats in it for them, these types of videos often increase conversions on your website. Often a video is on a second page after opting in this is called a Bridge page, to give prospects an opportunity to see who you are before taking them to the sales page.

6. Use strong calls to action. 

Let your readers know exactly what you want them to do next, whether that’s click a button, read a blog post or fill out a form, a sure way to increase conversions.

7. Tell visitors exactly what they’re going to get.

What are the features and benefits? What does it look like? What are the possible uses? Who will benefit most from it? How will it be delivered? Provide visitors with everything they need to know about your product.

8. Include a privacy statement on opt-in forms.

Having a privacy policy on your opt in pages or sign up form is a must. You need to have this to use many of the advertising platforms, it’s also been passed in law by many countries and you don’t want to get sued. Plus a number of other reason too.

9. Use high-quality image.

Using generic, tacky stock photos can send the wrong message about your brand. Use professional-quality photos where possible. If your start up costs are limited you can use a platform like to create designs and image yourself.

10. Include a headshot.

Don’t be afraid to include a personal photo in your sidebar or near your call to actions. It can reduce the sense of risk by showing that there’s a real person behind the website and brand.

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